Tuesday 7 May 2013

Double level

Okay so what is it all about this thing called life which we live on this absurd level?
We struggle, we fret, we stress ourselves out worrying about ourselves, worrying about other people, emotionally driven to permanent despair.
 Either we work ourselves silly, trying to cram too many things in all at once to so occupy our minds that we never have a chance to think, to dream, to hope or to be.
Otherwise we cast around continuously looking for things to do, ways to distract ourselves far away from those oblique feelings of loneliness which part of us keeps trying to see.
Routine material life is just that..........routine and material, we always want more of whatever it is that we cant quite have.
Physical life weighs heavily uncomfortably as we want more friends, less friends, always seeking to share with someone who will completely understand our whole point of view but never quite finding someone who can share our every thought and feeling.
Because, ultimately it is just that, our`s alone and we are here in this life just to experience all that we came in to feel see and do for ourselves,
And we are the only ones who can have our thoughts, our karmic demands or total understanding of how we do feel.
Our parents age and either leave the scene or else grow infirm or for some obscure reason have to suffer some terrible degenerating disease such as dementia where they only end up shouting at us through their anger and fear or else, worse than that, fail to know us at all.
So what is it all about and what or who can we be to escape or change the repetitive often boring lonely and fearful nature of our reality?
Could it be, is it possible that there is a double level of our life energy?
Is it just conceivable that we ourselves could expand our awareness out and into this other double level where we would no longer be kept away from the incredible wisdom, knowledge and limitless levels of light energy which yearn to be our environment?
Could we actually expand our own consciousness and awareness to perceive just out beyond
this hurrying worrying often cruel and uncaring manifest world just to reach through and gain a glimpse or a glimmer of a finer shinier double world reality which exists through the outer level of our own energy fields?
Is it just possible that life doesn`t have to be like this, competitively driven with each seeing the way they should go always and forever perceived through their own selfish ego?
Could we, dare we dream and believe that this double light world does exist and is becoming more and more prevalent and real though we first have to find its essence and shape?
The realm of spirit creates an energy field right around our physical body and provides, permanently, an outer higher guide who just knows what we should do and where we should be, what our life purpose is and the point of it all for everybody.
If nothing else, in life, every single one of us needs to find this outer level and world of spirit as our radiant guide to carry us through the hard taskmaster of our day to day life.
We spend too much time trying to do the same or better than others, and to be richer and more successful materially.
Yet it we could find this double level of living energy then we would gradually be able to see out beyond the harsh grey insipid reality to the beautiful light filled world of our own higher energy.

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