Wednesday 29 May 2013

Atlantis revisited

We exist through the Atlantaean Law of One.
Our continent incorporates the land mass stretching from Crete, Rhodes to Thera and thence to Egypt.down as far as and incorporating Giza and the pyramids and sphinx which we constructed.
Our land does not include Athens, nor Byblos, Sidon, Tyre or Anatolia
Our land mass of Atlantis will be split the first time through a massive eruption and explosion from under the sea around the year 2500 BCE.  This will split us away from Egypt into seven large islands in seven circles amongst which are our islands of Aryan ~ later Cypress, Og ~ later Rhodes and Poseida ~ later Crete.
Ultimately, circa 1450 BCE comes the vast explosion of Thera which destroys the seven main islands and breaks Greece up into many miniscule and tiny islands.
There will remain only Cypress, Rhodes and Crete as well as a tiny portion of an island in the caldera of Thera later to be known as Santorini.
Our Great Mother is called: IsArinna and she rules the skies and the land.
We have a matriarchal society and have the gift of double awareness through our high consciousness high level of spirit light and energy. We have our doubly created selves.through the Law of One spirit light energy which shines throughout all of creation for everybody.We know we were originally star beings and have retained our outer star twin self to enable us to live, whilst in a physical human body, as a greater expression of our outer wider wisdom knowledge self.
We continuously express vibrations from a higher level of the star light world through a loving universal energy given peacefully and in joy through the Mother creator, but following the time of the split and destruction of our land our Law of One universal flow of energy went to Egypt and the Yucatan.
We empower ourselves by using crystal technology as the means to give us material energy to live our lives. But those of the Aryans grew more human, more self indulgent and needing to promote the physical self.
They discovered an ego and began genetic engineering combining animals with humans ~ as evinced through all the gods and goddesses of Egypt in later times ~ and worked against the Great Mother`s loving laws of nature and one universal energy. They demanded to have solely a male presence as their deity. They no longer wanted to follow a divine feminine essence of spiritual light. 
They used the tuaoi crystal to create earthquakes world wide and, ultimately, this came to destroy our land, our presence our light and belief.
The male demand for aggression power and control destroyed our once peaceful loving land. As soon as they took more control of the power centre crystals they chose to spread fear amongst the people as their main means of control. They installed surveillance cameras in order to watch everybody, all the time, and they put out pamphlets to say they were masters of the world who could dominate any and every nation.
They instigated rivalry between people, battles for wealth and power, in-fighting amongst family members who had always, previously, lived in perfect harmony.
They tried to set up a ruling class which they called a `government` and took away the free will of the people, telling them how and where to believe. They denied them freedom of choice but, instead, instilled the feeling they should always be looking over their shoulders to see what others might be doing and ultimately this brought our destruction.

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