Saturday 1 July 2017

Egg shaped you

You have your own higher faster frequency light filled levels of universal energy.
You are not just a physical body filled with emotional tension and a conscious mind
A higher level of consciousness is waiting for you to find, always surrounding you
through your universal egg shaped etheric body.
Reach out from your everyday conscious thinking mind,
stretch your awareness to find
your oval auric light body glimmering shimmering and reflecting through to you
the universal spiritual energies which outline every hill and tree in nature,
outlining you with light energy
outlining every part of material creation
offering a higher brighter wonderful realm of universal reality.
This egg shaped etheric you is your universal free flowing spirit reality
wherever you are or find yourself to be.
And any time, anywhere, you are able to retrieve the sense of being in your UE ~ universal egg shaped energy ~ through your own higher consciousness,
Every morning before you get out of bed reach up and draw down this sense of your universally free spirit light energy to protect all the way around your physical body and then, through the day, pull that phone away from being clamped to your eye ear or hand and realise how you have a universal self reaching you down from the skies
This really helps you to work your way through the material minefield of life just by being
the universal egg shaped etheric you as an extra realm of who you really are.