Wednesday 29 November 2017

first pages of Venus Starfire

Chapter 1   Mysterious Visitor

A man, a presence of energy appears from nowhere on soft feet. He acts with authority yet this is definitely not one of the guides of Rosslyn Chapel. Why, then, do you have the feeling that he has specifically chosen you, singled you out to receive some kind of mysterious secret information? 

`There is something you need to see,' he says and before you know it you find yourself following along behind him. Why? Who is he ~ somehow you don`t feel he is a member of the Sinclair family who own Rosslyn Chapel and castle ~ and just why are you following him so meekly?

You both stop beneath an incredible star studded, barrel shaped ceiling. Why, as he points upwards, do you have the distinct feeling that this man of indiscernible age, very pale skin and misty far away eyes is not altogether here with you?

As he speaks you find you have to listen to what he has to say. `At the equinox of September the twenty first, and again at the Spring equinox, of the twenty first of March, you could be standing here at sunrise, in this very spot, and find a beam of light passing right the way through you.'

Lingering eyes do turn towards you for long held moments and something pulls you deeply into the depths of time.

`Naturally this also occurs at certain other sacred sites since many Temples were created to receive and respond to light as a symbol of the Resurrecting God. Often, as with Rosslyn, these temples were specifically designed to face due East.

Do you know why this should be?'  By now you`re completely mesmerised by his voice ~ touching a strange chord in your memory ~ and have no idea how to answer.

`No, I can`t say.'  How would you know?

His eyes smile kindly, large eyes and you`re reminded of a being from another planet who has absolute universal and cosmic knowledge at his disposal. `Ah, this is because both the sun but also the planet Venus, both of them rise in the East.'

Should you have known that? `But surely Venus is seen as both morning and evening star?' You offer, determined to appear partly knowledgeable.

Do you now feel how his gentle easy smile lifts layers of warmth from inside you. `Indeed and this has very special meaning to herald a time of spiritual rebirth which brings death to the material level of existence.

Above all you must know that this chapel has strong connections with Venus and was once fitted with shutters when used as a secret observatory.' His words hold you in fascination, you had no idea of any cosmic connections to Rosslyn but are you about to learn more?

`In fact the foundation stone for the Chapel was laid on a day to herald a very rare conjunction between Venus and the sun,' he continues softly, `and this relates to the Shekinah feminine spiritual aspect of God.'  Shekinah, you ask yourself, surely that was the feminine side of God for the Israelites?  But you have to concentrate, must absorb every word he shares.

`Also there is a hidden window here, once used to measure the movements of the planets. The light of dawn would appear through this secret window and project onto the back of the Chapel. Thence would be cast a shape which you will recognise as being similar to the eye of Horus and this has long been a symbol of Freemasonry.

Venus Starfire

Do the Green Man and Venus form a starlight tree to cover the world in wisdom? Are they attempting to ensure that the whole world knows how each member of the human race has a divine right to know the truth that they, too, have their own level of universal stellar energy? Surely this was a secret which was known anciently for any who would take the time to listen?
How would you feel if, in your bid to learn all about how the Green Man of history had to become the stone carved face of nature you uncovered layers of lost wisdom and knowledge?

How would you feel if you managed to uncover the meaning of the Venus connection with the earth and the individual starfire secret which brings higher levels of illumination?
`Venus Starfire' is my latest book to reach the world and uncoversthe meaning of why Rosslyn chapel, with all of those mystery carvings, is angled to face the planet Venus when she rises as the morning star.  Arriving now on my website in kindle or paperback form
See: to learn how to reach the Venus starlight tree

Garden of Eden

Once each soul recognises their own connection to the universal source of elemental light power, they will be able to go beyond the trials of physical existence to light their own fire.
One single stream of endless light energy flows through each and every particle of life, universally. This was, ultimately, the true message of the original, early Christianity.
Druids are those who believe that the body is an empty tomb if it is without the light of the spirit`s fire. The spirit energy is alive and vibrant endlessly, universally, throughout nature and the cosmos.
The original Garden of Eden was founded, during the year 5000 BC, at a junction of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
Originally the peoples who inhabited this city of Light forged their knowledge through the ways of the cosmos, and their trust in the balanced universal energies. They constructed their ziggarat, at Ur in Babylon, as a way to climb higher through the energy and out beyond the confines of the physical self.
The ziggarat was a structure which climbed up through the differing levels of consciousness of man and woman, in an ascending spiral pattern, to the heights of a belief in a universal God force which was open and accessible to all.
There are risks of floods in the land to which they must travel, for this is the land of
the old testament, of the Assyrians and Babylonians,  but the balanced power of the Force within and all around them will protect them, even as the Ziggarat will support them at times when the Tigris and Euphrates overflow, and when there is nowhere else to go.