Monday 4 March 2013

Our Sunstar Double

 The original shape and form of everyone who has ever lived comes from our origins at Zep Tepi, the first time, in the truth of the first Sunstar, Altara.
    Our original form was as an oval shape of radiant gold and white sun and starlight energy.  This outer sunstar twin or double of our creation shines out through layers of our high spirit wisdom, infinite knowledge and limitless star power and this energetic spirit twin will always be with every one of us, both in life and between our lives as the immortal essence of our true selves.
    Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to ever feel worthless as part of the human race because there will always be this extra level of you as your outer spirit self who protects, loves and guides you from a place just beyond the edge of your physical skin.
    You`ll never be alone.  You will always be wanted and loved and a very special being because you have this sunstar self always beside you throughout your life and beyond.     
   We do all belong. We all came in originally as a point of light from the original sunstar planet which has now become an outer radiant halo around your body to provide the light and life force energy of your physical life.
    Altara is not visible any longer ~ though it was to the ancient Egyptians ~ but it is still there set in the Taurus constellation of the sky, as part of the Pleiades within the Milky Way.
   The sun passes between the bulls horns of Taurus, near the place where the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way, in May.  The Pleiades and the true sunstar of our origins are found directly behind the horns and neck of the celestial bull of the sky.
  The pointer towards the true sunstar of Altara lies through the three aligned stars of Orions Belt.
.   This explains the construction of the three pyramids of Giza, in echo of Orion`s belt, and of the sphinx which all point at the star of the Gods as the wisdom source from where we evolved.
    There was always a star obsession amongst many of the ancient peoples. The Pharaohs, at death, were placed in their chosen pyramid pointing towards the part of the cosmos which reached back to their origins, to the place of their original creation.
    This is why the crown of Isis showed a disc at the centre between the two bulls` horns.  The disc is the portal to connect us to the true original sunstar and the bulls` horns represent the celestial bull of Taurus to mark the position of the sunstar amidst the Pleaides through the Milky Way.
    Through that portal we regain our true wisdom and knowledge even though we may be inhabiting a 

physical body for a while.