Monday 22 October 2012


  So many parts of life are taken up with waiting in limbo for this that or the other to happen  We`re either waiting for the phone to ring or someone to text or email us or someone to decide something which can dramatically affect our whole life and limbo feels like a very lonely place to be.
  And grey days when the sun forgets to shine just makes it all feel much worse.
  This is because we`re lacking the light which is such a vital ingredient in our lives.
  When the light`s shining through and warming you everything feels so different.
  When you can sense a layer or level of light around you as a ring or halo of illumination this can lift your belief to travel through limbo land with a sense of trust coming through to you.  There is this outer world right around you where the light always shines and all you need to do is to draw this light through to the inner you.
   Your conscious thinking mind insists on running a continuous narrative where you find you`re telling yourself what you should do, shouldn`t do, shouldn`t have done, and you look forward through this continual screenplay of words and thoughts into a future filled with your fears of what might happen, what might go wrong, what should and never did happen in your constantly berating and belittling of your own sense of power.
   And the trouble is that your conscious mind thinking is all connected directly with your nervous system and your emotional feelings which force you to put yourself into the feeling of constantly being under attack.
   Especially at times like moving house or changing jobs or relationships where everything, all your nervous apprehensions are heightened and its like leaving a permanently open window in your head to allow any old trash and rubbish to climb in and sit there weighing on you, giving your conscious mind full control over you.
   The secret way to escape the eternal waiting room of life is to make things happen within you yourself and your own energy.  To lift the levels of your own vibrations by adding this extra outer injection of light energy straight into the darker areas of your present fears and doubts which just hold you back from being who you are supposed to be.  Light is always the key.  There is a whole world of light out there waiting to be accessed by anybody and everybody and used for its fast vibration because hanging on the coat tails of fast speeding illuminating rays of light energy gives us an uplift into a different more positive happening level of our own energy.
  Everything feels so much better when the light shines through to dissipate the gloom and we dont have to wait till the sun shines through ~ although those of the ancient past would create cairns or passage mounds to draw the line of light through from the sun at the winter solstice in places like New Grange in the valley of the Boyne in Ireland and Bryn Celli Ddu in Anglesey where the path of the light of Venus was also able to shine through just showing how the ancients knew all about the vital addition of light to our lives to upgrade our whole energy system ~ if you can just see a star shining brightly in the sky you realise the speed of its light vibration can lift your whole mood.
  We have this whole extra added dimension and layer of light surrounding our physical energy and body and this feel of dancing fast vibrational activity can be fed through and into you wherever you need it most ie your power centre at the solar plexus, your wisdom centre at the third eye or the heart centre through which universal love and light needs to shine continually and everlastingly.
  If you`re going to get through the changes happening in December this year you`re going to need that extra boost of light added to your physical energy to carry you over and above any waves of exhaustion or seeming inactivity when we consistently find ourselves drawn into limboland.

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