Sunday 14 October 2012

celebrity or true star

For so long we`ve been striving for celebrity, trying to be like those whom we see as celebrity `stars`, pretending to ourselves or having become convinced that they shine more brightly than the rest of us; that their lives are more valuable and worthwhile somehow and they we should continually try to be equally thin, glamorous, over the top filled with sociability because we think they are much happier in their place and the space they inhabit in this world.
Then we`ve been castigating ourselves, blaming and condemning ourselves for falling short and not living our lives in the ways these celebrities habitually live.   But now the truth is finally coming out in that those lives they live are not always what they seem to be.  Now with the Jimmy Savile stuff littering every form of news media we`re being given this unique chance to look through from our position on the outside to see what the world these celebrities inhabit can sometimes prove to be.   Its all an illusion, this man sounds like he was the unhappiest most disturbed man of his time and yet he was feted and adored not just by the public but by every charity who would shut their eyes to what was really going on so that they could get their hands on the money he could bring in.
And once you start examining the lives of other celebrities  can you honestly find the life of any one of them which is a life lived in the way you would like to be and live your own life?   Would you really honestly want to be them with all of that pressure and demand from the waiting world which never gives them a chance to find their true self inside?
Instead of the illusional life they try to maintain as they aspire to be a star who shines more brightly than the rest of us the truth is that we each have our own true star self shining out through our personal energy fields and this is more connected with the stars in the skythan the false personae of celebrity.
We were born through star energy which provides the iron for our blood and the calcium for our bones.  We each have an individually created star self who shines around the outside of our physical body and connects us with the universal stars in the sky whose light we ~every one of us ~ are able to reflect out into and across our lives from the depths of the true core light which shines in our heart and out from our wisdom eye.
Instead of putting all our faith and belief in governments who glorify war, charities who will do anything to gain their money, or supposed celebrities who live such unhappy lives this has to be the time to find the true star light energy which acts like a halo of radiance around every single one of us, loving, protecting, guiding and uplifting from the true star which shines at our core.

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