Thursday, 15 April 2021

`Earth Call from Atlantis'


My latest book looks at the possibility that it was the incoming of the Athenians into the peaceful society of Atlantis, originally, which brought the downfall of the whole continent.

The Athenians brought a competitive warring egotistic nature ~ inherited through their shadow side from the Annunaki ~ into a land of harmony and, unfortunately, the world of the twenty first century currently could be going the same way.

The Wise Elders and the Earth Mothers from Atlantis are watching from the inner earth world of Ageartha as this scenario plays out. In order to help the future of those who inhabit the earth, the call has now gone out for two messengers to come forward and move through a series of spheres.

These spheres contain records of the wisdom of lost minds, knowledge and truths from the past in order to bring a new level of wisdom in.

This, they trust, will help make people stop and think through their twenty first century lives.

Timaes the former Atlantean steps forward and brings in and guides his great great Grandson Linus through the journey through the spheres where he will need to acquire the knowledge the world needs presently.

Various great minds of those such as Leonardo da Vinci, Nicholas Flamel, Tesla, Rosalind Franklin explain through the spheres where they have gained their advanced knowledge and how they coped in the world at their time when they were disbelieved by so many as they tried to advance the world`s wisdom.

The spheres continue, matched by the Sage wisdom of Timaes, to reveal and uncover truths about life after death, karma, DNA, Rosslyn, Venus, the Druids and Shining Ones and the sacred sites through history through this book `Earth Call from Atlantis' which seeks to empower in the present day.

Linus is also able to travel down to the Inner Earth World of Ageartha and to visit life in Atlantis both before and during the incoming of the Athenians to know what happened at the time.


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