Thursday 24 January 2019

Changing World

This is a beautiful world and the energies are definitely changing. Therein lies the problem because the physical world`s vibrant bright fast dimensional energy is changing and we are not keeping up. We are faced with a whole different vibrational frequency trying to come in, making contact with the Divine more accessible to everybody.  But only those who are open and willing to look further than the end of their nose will be able to benefit.

So many sense the change in world energies but have no idea how to handle what`s going on which makes them more competitive, demanding and completely frustrated with the current order of things. They cant cope, cant keep up as world energies climb, the earth spins faster and we are offered portals into new dimensions, offered higher spiritual realisations, greater wisdom opportunities.

Yet all the time the physical world is trying harder and harder to hold on to our energy and grind us down into lower frequencies, arguments, dissatisfaction with the way of things, acute frustration with those who try to control us.  We feel as though our right to control our lives is being taken away from us and completely overlooking the fact that we could be in another level of energy completely.  We could be in another world of our own making, a world detached from the grumbles and pain of living solely in the physical world as long past patterns keep repeating over and over again.

We completely fail to see that we don`t have to bury all of our energy in the same karmic patterns as we`ve been forced to endure in every other lifetime up till here.  We honestly are free, free to have a different life apart from all the political arguments and dissatisfaction of everybody, generally, all the strains pulls and pains on our physical energy.  There is another world of our own making, our own taking, there is another level to our energy which spins out spiritually from our own aura and allows our energy to flow at increased vibrational frequencies through an unseen world where there is no pain or strain, no physical agonies. 

All of us, everybody does have a higher perspective, a higher greater level to their own energy from where the soul can be free from the physical world`s control, arguments and agony.

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