Sunday, 26 February 2017

Clearing Physical Karma

Close your eyes, relax and gradually you become aware of any uncomfortable feelings in any particular part of your physical body. Do you have aches, pain or discomfort? Is a specific illness lowering your energy?

Mentally concentrate on that painful part of your body trying to relate the pain to anything that has happened recently.  Has somebody wounded you in some way with their words or actions?  Is it you, have you hurt yourself and somebody else too?

Have you done something to hurt them? If you can find no connection in this, your current life, this could be something going back to a life lived before.

You do not have to see exactly who they or you were originally, just work with your feelings since it is enough, for now, just to identify the person in your current life who has recently been making you feel uncomfortable.

Once you have made the connection inwardly, see a circle of violet light surrounding your image of the other person as a forgiving circle. Encircle yourself with a violet ring too.

Now whoever caused this problem originally, either you or them, you forgive the both of you.

See the chain which has been holding them to you through that part of your body as it now completely breaks in two

Release the chains of negativity ~ and let them go. Fill their violet ring with brilliant light and see them go free. Now, most importantly, feel your own end of the chain rebounding to you.

Forgive yourself too and feel light filling that part of your body which has been hurting you.

You may find echoes of whatever happened before recurring to remind you over the next few days, but you have done what you need to do for now to begin the process of clearing

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Clearing the karma from childhood

You start by sitting quietly and working out how you feel. Is it anger?  Or is there this low level sense of fear, anticipation or nervousness which is inexplicable and has no obvious cause right now?

Could you be feeling guilty? Did you have problems with your siblings in childhood? When you`re ready, settle down and close your eyes. Visualise yourself envelopped in a beautiful silken protective cloak.

Find yourself in a vast hall with a very wide staircase right ahead of you.  Count yourself down those stairs and down into contact with your subconscious mind. One, two, three, four, you are going deeper and deeper and becoming more and more relaxed, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.

Step over at ten, over a threshhold.

Feel yourself walking along a passageway. All along the wall are these clocks, grandfather clocks, grandmother clocks, cuckoo clocks but the strange thing about these clocks is that the hands each time are turning backwards.

Keep the issue that has brought you down here to the forefront of your mind. Know you are going back into your past, and as you move past the clocks see if you can see any particular number jumping out at you as being the place where the hands have stopped. This is your blocking point.

This could be where the root cause lies. This is your clue.
If you can`t see any particular number jumping out at you, try to think of an age where you were not happy. This is the age you are now revisiting.

Feel yourself becoming smaller and smaller. Now enter a small doorway in the centre of the clock`s hands ~ the one where you connected with a certain age.

Go down some smaller stairs, count yourself down: one, two, three, four and five.  Another doorway opens in front of you and somebody is coming through.

You are at the age where something important happened, something which has been blocking you ever since.  Now you can see the other person involved. Whoever it is, brother, sister, parent, friend, welcome them in, try to sense whether you, at that age, have suddenly gone all tense?

How do you feel? Are you feeling anger, fear, guilt?
Ask your younger self what happened here? If your younger self can`t answer ask the other person involved.

Try to feel the energy between the two of you. Can you gain any kind of feeling about what was happening to you at that particular age? Did you do something wrong or were you accused of doing something wrong?  Were you controlled in strict beliefs at some stage you didn`t agree with?

Work your way around the whole situation and try, if you can, just to gain the gist of it all but it doesn`t matter if you can`t feel sense or see any of it.  Just to know the age and hopefully the other person is all you need.Your cloak is safe.

Now forgive them with every ounce of your being.  Surround that other person with a violet flame of forgiveness and release them out and away from your younger self.  Send them into the light of loving forgiveness from your whole heart.

Break off any connection, any chain that has lingered in your mind between your younger self and the other person`s strong ideas and opinions inflicted on you. Snap it in two. Feel instead love rebounding through your end of the chain, returning directly to the younger you.

Bathe them in a sea of loving divine energy, fill her to the brim and watch as it shines outwardly from her being.

Forgive the younger you for feeling that way and forgive yourself in the present day in the same way.  Feel that sea of loving energy bathing both of you, the child and the present you. Blow her a kiss, turn around as the other person has gone and you come back through the little door in the clock.

Find yourself back in the clock corridor and notice how all the hands are now going the right way and returning you to the present day. Walk along that corridor feeling so much better about yourself and find the wide staircase. Now count yourself up ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one.

You are back, you are returned to your adult self but on the way through you have released the block and the chain, you have cleared the way to be free from that inner sense of anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy or fear which might have been with you ever since your childhood!