Wednesday, 6 December 2017

born to be free

Oh but we were born to be spiritually free
instead of being trapped in amongst the rest of humanity
spending the whole of our time working our way through our karmic legacy
drawing in situations and complications  which might eventually allow us
to escape from those karmic obligations.  Yet there is and has to be
far more to life than this in a level of our own energy where we
we were born to go beyond ego and to be absolutely spiritually free
And once we find the way to go beyond our own barriers then we
do begin to feel the message which nature gives us so willingly
as we drink in the message of the trees, the dancing laughter of the breeze
the flow of the river and stream, the grandeur of hills in the distance and the
powerful surge of the sea. Then only then do we
find the capacity to lift our own vibrational energy
to match that of the gift of universe where every part of creation has to be
surrounded and uplifted by the glory of its own spirituality

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Twin world

Sometimes we seem to be running backwards in our world on the wrong level of our own energy.  Or maybe we are in the wrong world completely?
The world where we need to be is calm and trouble free and just flows with divine loving radiant life force energy
But, normally we find ourselves fire fighting, trying to get everything and everybody to adapt to our own agenda or that of a member of our family.  And they don`t.
Starting by realising that, ultimately, we can`t change anything for anybody else since each person in a physical body is here to work through and clear their own karmic liabilities, and to learn from their experiences in order to evolve through their own life energies.  We can never do that for anybody else.
And then we have to be faced with ourselves and our own life.
Are we in the right level of anything or do we spend our whole time worrying about what people think, what we have done, should or shouldn`t have done, how we feel or a thousand and one other anxieties?
So often it`s impossible to see beyond all those boundaries we set up for ourselves as we pull in our auric energies close to the body in order to protect ourselves from all of our fears.  We somehow never realise that there is a whole other world of energy just waiting for our realisation and recognition.  An other world if you like, or a parallel world of etheric energy which is wholly filled with love and peace and spiritual light and that spirit freedom we seek consistently.
All is waiting for us beyond our false material physical boundaries, flowing at a high frequency of fast vibrational energy.  We do have a double/twin world which connects us to other dimensions of energy and exists as our own higher greater level of spiritual wisdom as a parallel reality, one in which we are the free spirit self we always long to be.That spirit guiding self  is waiting for us, ready to answer all of our questions, to guide and take us along sweeping paths of light energy out beyond the enclosing restricting problems of society and we just have to let go of the mechanical conscious mind chatterings and to look out and see beautiful horizons awaiting in an other world, our other world or higher light level of energy.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

first pages of Venus Starfire

Chapter 1   Mysterious Visitor

A man, a presence of energy appears from nowhere on soft feet. He acts with authority yet this is definitely not one of the guides of Rosslyn Chapel. Why, then, do you have the feeling that he has specifically chosen you, singled you out to receive some kind of mysterious secret information? 

`There is something you need to see,' he says and before you know it you find yourself following along behind him. Why? Who is he ~ somehow you don`t feel he is a member of the Sinclair family who own Rosslyn Chapel and castle ~ and just why are you following him so meekly?

You both stop beneath an incredible star studded, barrel shaped ceiling. Why, as he points upwards, do you have the distinct feeling that this man of indiscernible age, very pale skin and misty far away eyes is not altogether here with you?

As he speaks you find you have to listen to what he has to say. `At the equinox of September the twenty first, and again at the Spring equinox, of the twenty first of March, you could be standing here at sunrise, in this very spot, and find a beam of light passing right the way through you.'

Lingering eyes do turn towards you for long held moments and something pulls you deeply into the depths of time.

`Naturally this also occurs at certain other sacred sites since many Temples were created to receive and respond to light as a symbol of the Resurrecting God. Often, as with Rosslyn, these temples were specifically designed to face due East.

Do you know why this should be?'  By now you`re completely mesmerised by his voice ~ touching a strange chord in your memory ~ and have no idea how to answer.

`No, I can`t say.'  How would you know?

His eyes smile kindly, large eyes and you`re reminded of a being from another planet who has absolute universal and cosmic knowledge at his disposal. `Ah, this is because both the sun but also the planet Venus, both of them rise in the East.'

Should you have known that? `But surely Venus is seen as both morning and evening star?' You offer, determined to appear partly knowledgeable.

Do you now feel how his gentle easy smile lifts layers of warmth from inside you. `Indeed and this has very special meaning to herald a time of spiritual rebirth which brings death to the material level of existence.

Above all you must know that this chapel has strong connections with Venus and was once fitted with shutters when used as a secret observatory.' His words hold you in fascination, you had no idea of any cosmic connections to Rosslyn but are you about to learn more?

`In fact the foundation stone for the Chapel was laid on a day to herald a very rare conjunction between Venus and the sun,' he continues softly, `and this relates to the Shekinah feminine spiritual aspect of God.'  Shekinah, you ask yourself, surely that was the feminine side of God for the Israelites?  But you have to concentrate, must absorb every word he shares.

`Also there is a hidden window here, once used to measure the movements of the planets. The light of dawn would appear through this secret window and project onto the back of the Chapel. Thence would be cast a shape which you will recognise as being similar to the eye of Horus and this has long been a symbol of Freemasonry.

Venus Starfire

Do the Green Man and Venus form a starlight tree to cover the world in wisdom? Are they attempting to ensure that the whole world knows how each member of the human race has a divine right to know the truth that they, too, have their own level of universal stellar energy? Surely this was a secret which was known anciently for any who would take the time to listen?
How would you feel if, in your bid to learn all about how the Green Man of history had to become the stone carved face of nature you uncovered layers of lost wisdom and knowledge?

How would you feel if you managed to uncover the meaning of the Venus connection with the earth and the individual starfire secret which brings higher levels of illumination?
`Venus Starfire' is my latest book to reach the world and uncoversthe meaning of why Rosslyn chapel, with all of those mystery carvings, is angled to face the planet Venus when she rises as the morning star.  Arriving now on my website in kindle or paperback form
See: to learn how to reach the Venus starlight tree

Garden of Eden

Once each soul recognises their own connection to the universal source of elemental light power, they will be able to go beyond the trials of physical existence to light their own fire.
One single stream of endless light energy flows through each and every particle of life, universally. This was, ultimately, the true message of the original, early Christianity.
Druids are those who believe that the body is an empty tomb if it is without the light of the spirit`s fire. The spirit energy is alive and vibrant endlessly, universally, throughout nature and the cosmos.
The original Garden of Eden was founded, during the year 5000 BC, at a junction of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
Originally the peoples who inhabited this city of Light forged their knowledge through the ways of the cosmos, and their trust in the balanced universal energies. They constructed their ziggarat, at Ur in Babylon, as a way to climb higher through the energy and out beyond the confines of the physical self.
The ziggarat was a structure which climbed up through the differing levels of consciousness of man and woman, in an ascending spiral pattern, to the heights of a belief in a universal God force which was open and accessible to all.
There are risks of floods in the land to which they must travel, for this is the land of
the old testament, of the Assyrians and Babylonians,  but the balanced power of the Force within and all around them will protect them, even as the Ziggarat will support them at times when the Tigris and Euphrates overflow, and when there is nowhere else to go.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Egg shaped you

You have your own higher faster frequency light filled levels of universal energy.
You are not just a physical body filled with emotional tension and a conscious mind
A higher level of consciousness is waiting for you to find, always surrounding you
through your universal egg shaped etheric body.
Reach out from your everyday conscious thinking mind,
stretch your awareness to find
your oval auric light body glimmering shimmering and reflecting through to you
the universal spiritual energies which outline every hill and tree in nature,
outlining you with light energy
outlining every part of material creation
offering a higher brighter wonderful realm of universal reality.
This egg shaped etheric you is your universal free flowing spirit reality
wherever you are or find yourself to be.
And any time, anywhere, you are able to retrieve the sense of being in your UE ~ universal egg shaped energy ~ through your own higher consciousness,
Every morning before you get out of bed reach up and draw down this sense of your universally free spirit light energy to protect all the way around your physical body and then, through the day, pull that phone away from being clamped to your eye ear or hand and realise how you have a universal self reaching you down from the skies
This really helps you to work your way through the material minefield of life just by being
the universal egg shaped etheric you as an extra realm of who you really are.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Hathor Egyptian Initiation

The seven steps or gates of initiation for a Priestess of Ancient Egypt:
She has to experience the seven degrees of wisdom or the seven incarnations having travelled to learn of the first degree or hidden doorway. For that she will take the sacred barque and find this barque down seven steps. The barque takes her through the first doorway and she is shown symbols.
There is the learning of the hand clasp and a sacred password which means to be discreet. At the second gate or doorway is the spiralling staff of Mercury which involves the element of air. There is mention of temperance, moderation, diplomacy and impartiality with arms crossed on the breast and these tell of the sacred word and she must gain the power of the elements as she passes through. The first element is water.
Now another door lies ahead which represents the element of fire and this is the third degree which uses the fire to attain the crown of truth and in this way come the spiritual mysteries. Yet as the door opens a golden crown is being trampled under foot and then there is the symbol of an embrace and the sign of a password. This symbol shows the uselessness of materiality, death of the old ways upon which this depended which creates a new path and the ability to transform and learn from this.
The fourth degree is all about transmutation and the divine will and looking ahead she can see labyrinthian passages which all lead to the hall of the Goddess Maat, to balance. Any who follow those passageways will receive spiritual nourishment to allow them to use the word with increasing power over the earth.
There is a handful of earth in the giant set of scales which brings balance to the physical life, and there is an Empress Queen who brings experience and understanding who transforms to become a High Priestess where trust must be found in hidden influences and secrets. She acts as a filter to bring through the divine law.
At the fifth doorway lies the magical mystery of alchemy where there is a one hundred headed dragon shown which gives the power of infinity, but may also represent the devil where there is an unavoidable event which will turn out well. Now she is pulled towards the sixth doorway which appears to represent the pantheon of Gods who are released to become one essence of divinity alone for all the Gods come to a great hall by the very gate of the Gods itself. Everything now points in one direction and all is made ready for one journey to carry the divine energy within its fold.
Each person must be prepared, especially the self, and there is the symbol of the Hierophant who will act as the wise teacher to bring the meaning in life to those who search beyond the mundane.
And at the seventh doorway lies the symbol of life, the image of the ankh and of a person wearing long robes with his head covered. This is a Magician and in one hand he holds a wand or a sceptre and in the other hand he holds high the sacred books which incorporate the solar and lunar energies under the bright light of one star which shines alone from the sky. The light of this star reaches down to the highest energy point of the human body, which is at the crown of the head. Behind this robed person there is the stone carved image of a female who waits on her throne between two pillars at the end of the earth pathway. Her head is so high in inspiration that it touches the clouds and her eyes pulse with the light of the stars. She carries the sceptre of royal power in her left hand and she holds two books. The open book is the exoteric path through life and the closed is the esoteric hidden path to illumination. And behind her there is a ladder with seven rungs which reach to that highest star. There is also a table beside them both showing infinite symbols but especially a vase of celestial liquid which swirls with the pattern of the stars within. This is the secret of the eternal mystery, the seat of wisdom and the ultimate feminine deity. Having traversed the gates of initiation ahead now lies the awareness of the great star mystery which will bring ultimate illumination through the four elements of earth, fire, water and air. Next will come the cave of Hathor to take you further on the path.  

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Each person will come to see that they have a consciously thinking mind to guide their physical body through their life`s journey, but also a universal mind ~ which some will call the subconscious or unconscious ~ and it is through gaining access to this universal mind that contact with the higher wiser light level of the human energy is achieved.

There are two different minds, one for the physical body and the other for the ether light body which is the parallel energy twin body surrounding the physical energy.  Each person has the fire of God life force within their physical body which is a radiant power seldom realised in physical life. But each also has a light force body where the true spirit resides and this is the universal body whose radiance and light stretches far out into other dimensions and spheres to shine the higher awareness of who you truly are.

This is your Divine connection through which you are connected with the spirit world, every other person and also the universal spirit and force of creation.  You become the creator once you come into connection through your spirit universal mind and may create for yourself your life in the way you want it to be.  But your point of contact is through your own third eye of wisdom which hides in the forehead until you are ready to see the truth of your own reality.

This is where mind and body are conjoined at the point of the pineal body and here is a gland which is impregnated by eternal ideas. This is an organ of thought by means of which is acquired inner perception which can change eternal ideas into earthly conceptions. Through the wisdom eye at this point ~ through which a spiritual person will automatically perceive ~ is to be found the ultimate source of obtaining light out of darkness.

Monday, 6 March 2017


We are being called, at this time, to hear the great universal spiritual wisdom currently being fed through to our consciousness.
An increase in higher light frequency is reaching down to our energy bearing messages which reveal the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient past.  Knowledge of humanity`s bid for spirituality across and through many religions most of which have merely blocked the way.  This time it is different, this time we are being contacted directly with no need for priests as intercessors.  This time, as we raise our own vibrational frequency we become enabled to hear, to see, to be aware of a different level of spiritual light within our energy.  All we have to do is to maintain the energy of our physical bodies that we may be able to receive what we are being given and to channel this high light energy down through our physical selves, grounding the wisdom through the earth at our feet.  We are being asked to take all this knowledge on board, to accept and receive even if we can not yet wholly understand what it is we are being given.  Just to open and clear our minds as we start to see the new reality being made clear to our own higher energy.
The important issue, first of all, is to wake up from the illusion of our 3D material reality where the perceived needs and egotistical demands of our everyday selves dominate every part of our existence which doesn`t allow us to see what is beyond, what is the true reality, what is really happening to make this a world as we want it to be.
We are so fortunate, we are being given so much from the higher spheres universally as well as from those who have passed on from our lives. They seek to share the same message from their existence in the spirit world because, ultimately, this is such an auspicious time where we are being asked to align ourselves with our greater higher wiser energy selves, our spirit twin, the ether `me' waiting on the periphery and transferring down to our conscious awareness about how the change is happening in every part of our energy.
We are being asked, being called, already connecting on many different levels of ourselves with and by the celestial wisdom sharers, those higher guides sometimes, throughout the earth`s history, seen as extra terrestrials but be they whoever they are their message is coming through loud and clear if we will only lend an ear to hear and an eye to see the change and shift in universal energy. Now this becomes more nearly matched with the cosmic level of reality.
We are being offered an opportunity to know as the wise ones of the past and of ancient times were able to show how we are far more than merely physical beings now, finally becoming for ourselves the wisdom beings who walk on this earth, who gather the messages and ground the higher celestial energies that our lives may transform completely and absolutely.
How fortunate are we  

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Clearing Physical Karma

Close your eyes, relax and gradually you become aware of any uncomfortable feelings in any particular part of your physical body. Do you have aches, pain or discomfort? Is a specific illness lowering your energy?

Mentally concentrate on that painful part of your body trying to relate the pain to anything that has happened recently.  Has somebody wounded you in some way with their words or actions?  Is it you, have you hurt yourself and somebody else too?

Have you done something to hurt them? If you can find no connection in this, your current life, this could be something going back to a life lived before.

You do not have to see exactly who they or you were originally, just work with your feelings since it is enough, for now, just to identify the person in your current life who has recently been making you feel uncomfortable.

Once you have made the connection inwardly, see a circle of violet light surrounding your image of the other person as a forgiving circle. Encircle yourself with a violet ring too.

Now whoever caused this problem originally, either you or them, you forgive the both of you.

See the chain which has been holding them to you through that part of your body as it now completely breaks in two

Release the chains of negativity ~ and let them go. Fill their violet ring with brilliant light and see them go free. Now, most importantly, feel your own end of the chain rebounding to you.

Forgive yourself too and feel light filling that part of your body which has been hurting you.

You may find echoes of whatever happened before recurring to remind you over the next few days, but you have done what you need to do for now to begin the process of clearing

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Clearing the karma from childhood

You start by sitting quietly and working out how you feel. Is it anger?  Or is there this low level sense of fear, anticipation or nervousness which is inexplicable and has no obvious cause right now?

Could you be feeling guilty? Did you have problems with your siblings in childhood? When you`re ready, settle down and close your eyes. Visualise yourself envelopped in a beautiful silken protective cloak.

Find yourself in a vast hall with a very wide staircase right ahead of you.  Count yourself down those stairs and down into contact with your subconscious mind. One, two, three, four, you are going deeper and deeper and becoming more and more relaxed, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.

Step over at ten, over a threshhold.

Feel yourself walking along a passageway. All along the wall are these clocks, grandfather clocks, grandmother clocks, cuckoo clocks but the strange thing about these clocks is that the hands each time are turning backwards.

Keep the issue that has brought you down here to the forefront of your mind. Know you are going back into your past, and as you move past the clocks see if you can see any particular number jumping out at you as being the place where the hands have stopped. This is your blocking point.

This could be where the root cause lies. This is your clue.
If you can`t see any particular number jumping out at you, try to think of an age where you were not happy. This is the age you are now revisiting.

Feel yourself becoming smaller and smaller. Now enter a small doorway in the centre of the clock`s hands ~ the one where you connected with a certain age.

Go down some smaller stairs, count yourself down: one, two, three, four and five.  Another doorway opens in front of you and somebody is coming through.

You are at the age where something important happened, something which has been blocking you ever since.  Now you can see the other person involved. Whoever it is, brother, sister, parent, friend, welcome them in, try to sense whether you, at that age, have suddenly gone all tense?

How do you feel? Are you feeling anger, fear, guilt?
Ask your younger self what happened here? If your younger self can`t answer ask the other person involved.

Try to feel the energy between the two of you. Can you gain any kind of feeling about what was happening to you at that particular age? Did you do something wrong or were you accused of doing something wrong?  Were you controlled in strict beliefs at some stage you didn`t agree with?

Work your way around the whole situation and try, if you can, just to gain the gist of it all but it doesn`t matter if you can`t feel sense or see any of it.  Just to know the age and hopefully the other person is all you need.Your cloak is safe.

Now forgive them with every ounce of your being.  Surround that other person with a violet flame of forgiveness and release them out and away from your younger self.  Send them into the light of loving forgiveness from your whole heart.

Break off any connection, any chain that has lingered in your mind between your younger self and the other person`s strong ideas and opinions inflicted on you. Snap it in two. Feel instead love rebounding through your end of the chain, returning directly to the younger you.

Bathe them in a sea of loving divine energy, fill her to the brim and watch as it shines outwardly from her being.

Forgive the younger you for feeling that way and forgive yourself in the present day in the same way.  Feel that sea of loving energy bathing both of you, the child and the present you. Blow her a kiss, turn around as the other person has gone and you come back through the little door in the clock.

Find yourself back in the clock corridor and notice how all the hands are now going the right way and returning you to the present day. Walk along that corridor feeling so much better about yourself and find the wide staircase. Now count yourself up ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one.

You are back, you are returned to your adult self but on the way through you have released the block and the chain, you have cleared the way to be free from that inner sense of anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy or fear which might have been with you ever since your childhood!

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

A new world

The Spiritual Guardians now seek to make clear
that we have been born into this time exactly where
a new world order is set to appear
The spiritual double world becomes more visible to our energy
This other world of light and peace becomes one we can see
Once the murk, the dirt and darkness comes to the surface
in order to erupt and ultimately disappear
the way of the spiritual light bringer, the spiritual peacemaker
will begin to shine from those who will lead from here.
The time is coming, the time is near. There will still be disruptions
in fighting, war and animosity but gradually this immense intense
spiritual high vibrational frequency world will establish, in our time,
as the one true place where we all need to be.
Oh there is much to work through in the physical level,
for this is currently a world of ego dominating over any deeper wisdom
filled levels such as it used to be back in ancient times.
Yet where even Atlantis had to lose its feel of light, love and Mother Goddess
belief as the warriors came in to destroy all the peace.
Even so that continent had to be completely washed away
yet for our world there is real hope on the way
There is a real chance once humanity begins to see how the double world of
spirituality needs to be our priority.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Mother Venus speaks

The Venus Mother speaks into the increasingly ego illusion filled world: `As your earth energy accelerates you now have the opportunity of being aware of your own individual level and layer of cosmic energy. 
A layer of light, love and wisdom stretches far out from you to infinity. This is your star self layer of radiantly powerful energy. Through this level you will be clearing instead of erecting barriers, reaching out beyond those who would negate your power.
Now is the time of massive opportunity as each person has the absolute chance of becoming cosmically aware.Your karmic blocks have been coming up far more quickly, lately, to be released and this will give you a chance to find your own way to a state of inner peace.  This has to be the time to expand your awareness to overcome and go beyond as the levels of earth`s negativity increase and climb massively.
Now as never before you become more of yourself, more of your light shining star self level of inner radiancy. Now you go beyond solely egotistical demands and reach out through the illuminating levels of your soul.  This is your time as cosmic energies accelerate to climb. Celestial sight becomes accessible to you to take you through to the other side of consciousness.
This is the time where you become universally aware of the star shining level of the light world outlining your physical body offering a greater wiser brighter etheric spirit filled sense of being alive. Now you use your greater vision, your spirit levels of expanding light. This has to be the time where your celestial star self energies connect with you more intensely, more empoweringly.  The world of illusion and ego tries to push you down inside boundaries but now is your time to expand and stretch out through your own levels of energy.  You have much to do because now you know you are ready to reach out and through to your own celestial world into greater levels of cosmic awareness as you start to sense your own star self energies in a world that is free from all illusionary authority.