Thursday 14 November 2013

ego in Atlantis

A new breed of mixed race people came to dominate in ancient Atlantis and they brought with them...............ego..........which makes them concentrate solely on themselves as being an individually packaged item of energy, then they have to find somewhere for that over reaching demanding personality to dwell.
            I must explain that up till this time we`ve all lived wherever we want to live, occupying homes to suit our different ways of accessing light most fully.  But with this new need to have and have more and more, these people wanted to gain more space of their own.
            We have never had ownership before, nothing has ever belonged to any one single person but now they come along with material greed and need and this deep overriding wish to own on the material plane.  Should they erect a home then theirs has to be the best and better than anyone else with more gold silver and orichalcum continually on show. `
            and as their material needs and greeds come to the fore, and through that enforced personality or ego they`ve also introduced the need for emotions. Now most of these emotions are negative and involved with their sense of ownership with a need for opaque substance rather than sharing in the realms of nature`s gloriously free beauty.
            They imprison themselves in territories, behind walls, in certain spaces which they call their own.   Where there has always been crystal power before to cover all our needs, now they bring in nuclear power which comes with dangers attached and is a reckless uncontrollable force.
            These Aryan people, for that is what they have named themselves, now even want to `own` the continent of Atlantis as their own and forget about the free sharing ability of
unconditional love which the Golden Mother has brought into our golden age where everything is free, loved and loving even as she has settled around each of us this gold and silver spirit world of reflecting high spirit light energy
            I have to nod, must agree since we have, until this time, no recognition of emotions such as anger but the Aryans have introduced this mode of feeling. And, yet, at the same time also introduced to themselves an inner voice of guilt as though despite having this overarching need to kill others, there are times when they feel guilty for taking another`s life!`
            It is the fear, the sense of fear they bring which could also bring the most trouble to our world. The fear is everywhere, in everything, tremors of trembling terror in case they lose what they feel they have gained when all the time they have lost the most precious gifts. These gifts once ruled in our land, being those of peace and beauty, love and freedom from illness and pain, even old age.  They have introduced old age as they watch their bodies grow older, withered and lined and then they fear their death.
They have forgotten how, when our physical body eventually wearies, then all that happens next is for each one to move out of physical appearance into the realm and the world of spirit that surrounds this world where they will continue as an essence of light.
Why should anyone fear that?`
Ah but not only have they brought in ego which demands selfishly the whole time and completely forgets or overlooks the needs of others but they have also brought in this warring masculine attitude of that physical need to go to war with others which has been unheard of here.  In this, the Mother`s realm of peaceful serenity and loving light energy, why would we have any need for war?
We have always gone to attend her temple at the top of the Holy Mountain in order to come into closer contact with the celestial spheres. We are blessed in having direct contact with the illuminating wisdom and generating light-giving illuminancy coming from the stars which She brings.  Yet these Aryans are now fashioning tools with which to hurt each other!
 Why should we want this material level of living?   Our physical bodies, enwrapped in their individual celestial sphere has always been filled with peaceful spiritually joyful energy which has no need for an emotional level of being for ourselves or else a material level of reality for our world
 By taking on an ego each person sets up so many problems for themselves, a whole range and level of anxiety which we never had previously.  A way of nerve tightening nervousness about your every action which causes such a range of reactions that we have had to erect the Akayshik Hall of Records to collate and collect all the information about each person`s actions and words through every lifetime.  Thence the universal law states that there must be a reaction each time whereby the universal energy returns to that person happenings and life situations in like manner to the one they have put out originally.
With ego comes self absorption and solely self interest at the cost of interest in anybody other than the self so that the individual loses the gift and ability to love others
equally to the self, if at all.
            And by living solely on the material level they lose the ability of being in touch with the golden loving feel of the Great Mother who cares unconditionally, no matter what anyone does, as well as the chance to draw in from the cosmos the far reaching wisdom and knowledge that lies in the stars.
            Love suddenly has nowhere to go, nowhere to shine, no way of existing outside of the self since all of that material concentration closes down the free flowing lulling sweeping glistening energy of the outer spirit self world where we`re never alone, always blessed by the companionship of our own higher self energy so that we know what to do and how to be.  There is great danger coming to the land of Atlantis, now that ego, fear and the material level of living are dominating the truth of the spirit level of energy is disguised.

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