Friday 16 August 2013

Outer Dimensional world of Atlantis

There is this kind of outer dimensional level to my own energy.  I can see and feel it shining out around me, flaring out from the edge of my skin all around my body, outlining me like a double of me only this double is made out of pure shining light energy.

And looking round I can see it round everybody else too. Everyone walking around has this whole outer level of themselves, its like two of them, one as a physical body but the other outer dimensional twin self is this shining sort of shape right around the outside of their physical body as an exact replica or a double twin energy self.

You can feel this lighter feel of energy right around you, stretching out from your skin because you suddenly become aware that your physical self is tight, that you are hanging on or holding on to your energy in different places in your physical body. Some bits feel tight, maybe they`ve always felt tight, especially in my case at my throat or across my forehead, like I`m holding the energy in, and maybe round my middle too.

But with this outer dimensional double of me all the energy in her is free and flowing, can stretch everywhere, in all directions as a light and free energy.  She is limitless this outer me, like looking through beyond being three dimensional to a further out dimension.

My physical body is restricted, always has been, always has to have this feeling of confrontation with the world of other people, the material world of machines and things.which tightens me up in my interractions with it.  I have to steel myself for the interractions on the material level.   But in this land and world of all this free flowing lovely outer dimensional energy, there is no tension, no worry or fear, just this sense of love reaching out from me, all around me, sharing this loving feeling with everybody else and inwardly for me, too.

In this land, this place, this sphere, it`s all different from what we`re used to and what we see as living our lives. You just can`t help feeling a part of the universal, limitless loving energy which flows through everything adding a touch of light to all of creation on the way.

Oh what a sense of belonging I find in this outer dimensional spiritually free level of me! Oh boy do I belong here!

In Atlantis everything is double and lived on an energetic level as well as a physical level.

The Ancient Israelites ~ see my book: `Where the Mother Dwells` ~ lost their sense of having a Spirit Mother and then lost their sense of having a dwelling place, a place of belonging to themselves.  But back in ancient Atlantis they had such a sense of being whole and belonging to their own soul as my next book `The Mother of Atlantis` will show.

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