Sunday, 28 April 2013

Your dwelling place

The ancient Israelites came from Canaan and settled in Egypt when Joseph, son of Jacob, became the vizier for the Pharaoh, a position which carried the title of Yuya.   Yuya married Tuya who originally came from Heliopolis, where they believed in Aton-Ra as the original and first God. Where her husband carried the religion of his forefathers ~ believing in the One God Adonai ~ she had learned, through Isis, of the Mother Spirit wisdom to uphold the force of God.
The grandson of Yuya and Tuya was the Pharaoh Akhenaten and he introduced a wholly new belief to the people of Egypt which carried the symbol of the Aten disc of light which represented a combination of the beliefs of his grandparents with the Mother Spirit energy offering a home or a dwelling place for God.
But, due to the cunning wiles of his wife, Nefertiti, Akhenaten lost his kingdom and his city in the desert and eventually became the Mose of the people when he led the Hebrews towards their Promised Land.
Now the people carried the Ark of the Covenant as the main force of the power of God but the Ark was surrounded by a pillar of smoke or mist which, to them, represented the Divine Mother Spirit energy.
Through the reigns of King David and King Solomon ~ as the Ark of the Covenant came to rest in the Holy of Holies in Solomon`s temple in Jerusalem ~ still the belief continued with the Shekinah divine feminine spirit energy surrounding the Ark as the dwelling place and the home of God.
And all the while the Children of Israel had their homeland, their dwelling place up until 586BCE when Nebuchadnezzar came from Babylon, destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the temple, the Ark disappeared and he took the people back to Babylon as captives.
From that time onwards the Children of Israel felt they had lost their dwelling place, their home, the Mother spirit home for the individual soul.
The truth is, as will be revealed in my next book: `The Dwelling Place`, that we all each and everyone have our own outer spirit dwelling place surrounding our physical body to where we may go and feel safe, light uplifted and loved whenever we choose.

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