Sunday 6 January 2013

loading our star power

With effect from the 21st December 2012 every one of us currently alive in a physical body has been offered a totally new level and depth to our own energy.
According to the ancient Book of Thoth ~ Egyptian God of Knowledge and Wisdom ~ each of us was created as a star originally
And now we are offered the chance to become our true star selves over again.
The outer star universe moved in close to our own on 21.12.12 and the individual star radiance was transferred on an individual basis into our own outer energy fields to be available henceforward and to offer us our own Star Guardian to show us the way.
Great waves of star power are surging through to reach us from the great outpourings now coming from the Milky Way and stretching from horizon to horizon across our sky.
These star waves create a column of spiralling light through the galactic centre and pour out a neutrino dancing field of superfast superlight endless cosmic energy as great supernovae explode across the horizon.
These vast explosions of radiant limitless light enable us to climb through the gears to reach the superfine faster frequency level of our own twin superstar self.
To meld and become more of this super radiancy introduces limitless access to universal wisdom and a higher greater level of power into our energy fields, to `up` our own energy to mirror what is going on in the cosmos.
We become more powerful, wise intuitive and inspirational once we learn to absorb and start using all of this higher star power and force which awaits us, charging us up as fuel, empowering and illuminating our energy from a higher source of our own Star Guardian.
Now as we become again the `stars` who we were originally we can climb up over and out of the draining dragging dull material reality of our everyday lives.
We can look out to see beyond our emotional conscious thinking levels of energy.
We come into our own miraculous inheritance of starlight wisdom and power.
We become luminously aware of ourselves.
And we begin this whole process by concentrating and imagining a great expansion taking place in our own energy fields, out from our chakras, out to expand our awareness of our star level of reality which is vast and free from any physical or material barriers to our energy.  In the original fictional Book of Thoth there are two spells ~ one to allow the reader to understand the speech of animals and the other to allow the reader to perceive the gods themselves.
There was an ancient Egyptian belief that the Gods` knowledge is not meant for humans to possess nor was the truth of Thoth for humans to read but now with the transference of superstar energy, on the 21.12.12, this has all become possible through our individual high star level of being.
I intend to set up a star therapy clinic on line to describe how various problems in different peoples` lives can now be handled from this star blessed level of our own energy.

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