Wednesday, 22 August 2012

How to survive in the material world

The trouble is we`re all living and trying to survive and win in the material physical level which proves such an uncomfortable place to be.
Either we have too little money and don`t see a way to survive easily so are constantly scrabbling for more or
We have too much money and dont know what to do with it and become bored with ourselves as we no longer have a purpose to strive for.
We have too much or too little of everything
Too many friends so that we get stressed out trying to keep up with them all or
Too few friends and then we are lonely.
Too much space and emptiness in our lives with too little to do or
Not enough space to explore the outer reaches and depths of our own energy fields because too many things are happening at once and we just can`t cope and feel we`re drowning in an excess of the wrong kind of energy.
What we need, really need is a way out of this maelstrom of materiality which dominates our thinking, drags us down physically or ties us up in a neat bundle of stress and anxiety.
We need an image, an icon to aspire to and a focus through an outer dimension into which we can climb when it all gets to be too much.
We may have chosen to live in a human body in order to work our way through a given set of experiences which can possibly help us to clear our past life karma but that doesn`t mean we have to suffer all the way through
The core essence of who we truly are continues to exist whether or not clothed in a physical body or whether in this particular life, in a different lifetime or the space in between and that true core essence has to exist on another different level of being which is quite apart from where we find ourselves habitually.
But we so easily become bored of searching for that other level of existence or any deeper wider range of our own energy, for a spiritual dimension or a greater wisdom level that can and does exist just beyond our everyday reality.
How do you find it this greater wiser more expanded self?
You look beyond your current boundaries.
You look for the light in everything
You reach out to explore the qualities of the furthest stars in the cosmos and bring them back to exist within you.  You start with Venus as the brightest star in the sky and begin to see how she is shining her light from a different level and world of energy.
This is a parallel world which spins like a halo around our earth continuously
And then you see that this parallel level of energy also spins around and just beyond the outer edges of your physical body.
This is beyond normality as this is a paranormal level beyond our normal rational explanation   But this outer level of shining existence is filled with a depth of peace and the light of love which is able to shine wisely from this other dimension which surrounds our normal reality. This offers a route of escape from the humdrum overpowering stress of trying to keep our everyday life balanced and in order

Begin by just feeling this outer energy outlining around just beyond the edge of your physical body with a different lighter finer freer feel which is not enclosed in or by the thinking world or the conscious mind`s need for explanation or aggravation.
This outer level is free to expand through outer levels of feeling energy through our own outer subtle body heightened and lightened energy.
Yes the everyday concerns of the chattering conscious mind keep trying to pull you back and into your normal habitual way of responding to the world continuously but if you can keep your attention on this outer level and keep on expanding its boundaries ~ not that your subtle energy has any boundaries ~ then your outer feelings of light and freedom  can take you beyond the low level dragging material and physical  holds on your energy.

You could think and feel a brighter wider silver white outer field of light spinning around your body and try to reach out and touch that wider expansive field of light with your own energy.
Reach out through the point of the Venus wisdom eye on the forehead going beyond the restricting level of skin and look through this other outer dimensional reality.
Reach out through the centre of the chest where the Isis connecting power point creates a dominating force to generate beyond your material reality.
Reach out and be this outer other level where your true essence resides and shine through her reality to transform your everyday world of material reality for ever.

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