Thursday, 14 April 2016

the crystal layer

The Crystalline Level of Awareness.
There is another level of existence we are all here, in life, to find
We appeared in life originally ~ having emerged from the star stuff of which we are made ~ as crystalline beings, functioning beyond our five senses through a completely different high frequency level of awareness beyond our conscious mind thinking. And the universe is currently asking us to rediscover this level and layer of our own energy as a level of love, of light, of spirit, of wisdom.
This is the other level/world of light which still exists in our memory and yet may still be reached through the power of our own subconscious mind. This crystalline double level of awareness surrounds and flows along with us constantly just beyond conscious realisation, shining with an inner and outer intensity.
As a layer of crystal existence this is a state of higher mind where light shines through to bring a whole new dimension to being alive whilst clarifying and illuminating all we do.
We do have the altered vision to see through this greater clarity where we find our own spirit voice, expanded heart capacity and greater feeling of power. Suddenly we look out beyond the fear from a level and layer, beyond conscious thinking, from where our senses are heightened and more aware
How to connect with this crystalline layer?
First of all be aware as you stand on the earth that you need to connect down deep below your feet to reach the crystalline level at the core of the earth. Draw this spiralling energy up to your head.
There is a point deep in the head, behind the bridge of the nose, through which we gain connection to our own crystalline layer of shining bright, filled-with-light energy.
This connection is achieved merely by concentrating inwards from this point and lifting the whole sense of awareness upwards and beyond the conscious senses of sight, hearing, touch, sound and emotional feeling.
Now look outwards through this fast moving crystal shining level of flow becoming aware of the crystalline shine in every part of creation. This is all you have to do as the realisation takes you into a different higher brighter layer of inner and outer knowing and flowing.
You are instantly made aware of the shining brightness of limitless love, moving on a fast vibration, endlessly accompanied by a sense of spirit lifting illuminancy as you feel yourself taken by the finer flow of your own crystalline layer of energy.
Concentrate inwards and outwards as you enter a world of higher frequency. Now you begin to be able to go out beyond that shut down feeling of being trapped in a physical body.
The earth itself, currently, is expanding its own layer and level of crystal shining brighter energy giving us all the chance to reconnect with our true selves.
There has never been a better time to do so.
This crystal level of being is your own shining experience which allows you to tap right back to your former way of being when you came from a star originally.