Thursday, 10 December 2015

The Spirit Body

Outlining the physical body we have the spirit body of transparent light energy.
This, our spirit body, is an exact replica of the physical body, a blueprint from an etheric level of all that happens in our opaque physical form.
This is our double twin spirit self
We carry this spirit presence eternally from life to life and all the spaces in between our different incarnations.
Any physical dis-alignment, illness or disease begins through this outer level of our energy body and reflects from our emotions, originally, as well as our karmic obligations from the past of this and previous lives.
Thus the diseases and illnesses dont have to happen to us physically.
If we can either clear our karmic liabilities or/and release our overload of negative emotions we should be able to prevent the reaction and the falling into various illnesses in our physical body.
We all have the power of being able to work with and through the spirit body by the act of forgiveness and love both for ourselves and also of course for other people whom we possibly feel resentful about or whom we see as having caused our problems.
If we have reached the stage where the emotional or karmic effect has reached through the outlining spirit body and begun to affect us physically, we still have a way to release and clear the negative energy by expanding outwards from the core physical energy out through the spirit body.
This needs to happen at each of the chakra levels.
For instance if you are afflicted with headaches you could either expand the feel of your energy upwards through the crown chakra, feeling the release of the negative tension from the physical level, or else out through the third eye/pineal gland chakra level.
Where there is neck pain or any physical ailment in this area including pain in the upper back or shoulders you expand outwards with your energy feel through the throat chakra.
Any problems with the heart need an extra boost of love for yourself in particular as you expand your energy out from the heart chakra, diluting the effect upon reaching the spirit body of any less-worthy-of-love feelings which have been going on inside of you.
Anything affecting your stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder, lungs or adrenals can benefit immediately by your releasing the blocked up physical energy in this area and releasing the feel out through your energy body.
Those problems of digestion may likewise all be released out through the sacral chakric level to clear and cleanse the energy.
Lower back pain and any problems with the legs, bladder, even the hands can begin to be released by clearing all the energy outwards from the base chakra level, feeling as the heavy energy or the pain releases and flows with love and light out through that level of your energy body.
We have this double layer and level of energy always ready and waiting to help us heal ourselves from the physical transference to the opaque body of the emotional overload of negativity which happens through our daily life.
We have a spirit twin guarding guiding enlightening uplifting and loving us with light from the outside in. We are never alone, help is always always at hand.