Sunday, 27 September 2015

Life as it is

If we judge and condemn, hate and retaliate then this will only return to block the flow of the love and the light in our lives. For we are all part of the great mystery of universal love which carries the same energy of light flowing through everything. And, in trying to hurt others, that same hurt has to rebound to hurt us in its turn.
Surrounding any situation with anxiety only increases the cause to feel still more anxiety. Surrounding that situation with love will gradually be able to diminish and deflect the anxious energy.The other people in our lives are like mirrors reflecting back to us what it is we are feeling, and what we have to deal with and face in our everyday existence. Therefore, if we judge or try to hurt them in any way, then we are the ones who are the losers. Our hatred of them will only rebound to condemn us. In fact we have specifically attracted them in to our lives in order to learn from them.
The only way to grow is through forgiveness of both ourselves and others.  For we all contain the same Divine Spirit and therefore there is no other way to find universal love and serenity. By not forgiving we are blocking the way for the spirit within to flow.
            We each have our individual awareness of being a person but not of being the mystery, and we need to find our awareness of the Universal Divine of which we are all part. We need compassion to transcend and separate from the everyday worries to become aware that each of us is able to be part of the balanced whole.
            Attachment to the self is the problem, and evil has its source in self will as we try to bully other people into doing things the way we want them to be. Self-will does not serve
us, however. Spirit-will does by becoming aware of our divine spirit within. We cannot reject our humanity for we have been born into this physical body ~ whether male or female ~ to learn our particular lessons, and if we are able to work with that energy we will triumph.
We must become aware of our own selfish motivations, realising that it is not what we do but why we do it that is important. And as we remember that we are all part of the One universal, Divine Spirit energy, we will not find the need to separate ourselves up into individuals who are demanding to have their own way.