Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Presence of the Mother energy

Back in ancient Atlantis there was never a need for war because the people knew they were surrounded, individually, by the presence of the Holy Mother energy.
In this Matriarchal society there was peace and loving kindness and a sense of loving our fellow woman and man in a way which was entirely unselfish and far reaching, beyond the material needs of our present day reality.
It was Isis who, originally, brought this essence of feminine light awareness down from a distant star constellation along with a chunk of meteorite which could be transformed, alchemically, into a white star powder to expand the inner realisations of each person`s high wisdom energy.
Isis was the Mother of All, Mother of the stars, or the great white Mother and she lived amongst the Atlantean people as their guiding light, the feminine deity and essence of the wisdom spirit energy.
Yet it all had to change and after the time when the Aryans began to infiltrate and destroy the divine feminine beliefs of the Atlantean people, the image of Osiris as brother husband to Isis came into being.
Osiris, so the story goes, was murdered and his body hacked into fourteen pieces by his jealous brother Seth, and Isis had to use all of her magical abilities for Osiris to father their son Horus.
After that time Osiris became King of the Netherworld, the Duat/Rostau as a symbol of the God force energy which can be achieved once any person has taken their journey through the duat, having lived their earthly life.
At that stage Osiris will return them to the stars just as he did for the Pharaohs.
But the time has come, now, to find this presence of the loving universal Mother within our everyday lives and to rediscover her spirit light essence which can uplift every part of our tedious, draining material reality.
Why should we constantly be overcome by so many material worries and anxieties, having to fight all the time competitively just to be standing still in our physical body and day to day reality?
Especially when each of us has the ability to feel that overwhelmingly loving presence and caring shimmering radiancy which comes through the discovery of the Greater Mother energy in our lives.