Saturday, 29 June 2013

The All and One Energy

Paul Coelho describes the universal divine energy as...........`the All`
And once you begin to look into this concept of existing, individually, as the One and All energy for yourself this changes the whole picture of who you are.
You become:    All Love in the way love flows universally.
                        All calm, peace and serenity
                        All wisdom
                        Filled with the All light
The All Energy flows everywhere through every part of creation as a shining luminosity
Every flower, tree, animal, hill and cloud reflects this glorious all light energy, as do we.
Right out across the cosmos the All Energy gathers light from the stars to radiate power in a
way we, too, can learn to do through our outer subtle body comprised of One and All energy
We can reach out universally, stretching across the cosmos to link and involve our vibration
with that of the All Light, all Loving Motherly wisdom which we have been taught to shun
for far too many centuries.
Right back to the time where Atlantis was destroyed from where
her loving presence was no longer ours` to share
because the Greeks, as with all other nations across the world suddenly found
the warring nature of mankind. Thus began male orientated religions to abound
across every part of society.  Women could no longer be shamans or peaceful spirit guides
to help each person explore what lay on the other side
of their own energy fields.
We lost our direction from that time entirely and only now, very gradually, begin to find once again, without and within the All energy of the loving light peace and joy universally.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Twin Self

This is so much the time to be and become who you truly are as your outer twin energetic self.
This is another world lying just on the outside of your energy.
This is another inspired guided, loved and peaceful self who shines from just outside your physical body.
This is where you can dwell to find your true sense of belonging, of home, of space through a level of light shining intensity which belongs individually to everybody did we but know it.
I have shown in my recently published book:  `Where the Mother Dwells` how it was in losing the sense of connection with their outer High Spirit Mother concept of belief to provide a dwelling place for the God force which effectively lost the sense of homeland for the ancient Israelites.
When Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586BCE the temple of Solomon was destroyed and this was where the Ark of God`s fire had rested in the Holy of Holies surrounded by the spirit Mother presence of the Shekinah energy.  But when the Israelites were taken away to Babylon they never again found their way back to their sense of outer spirit energy linked individually to the Mother High Spirit.
First of all it helps to discover your own outer high spirit starlight connected double or twin ~ who forms a pattern of light energy which outlines your physical body like a halo ~ to come effectively in touch and contact with the Greater Spirit Mother.  And I show the way to make this contact through another recently published book:  `Becoming Isis`  the Star Mother speaks through a life coaching session with a Goddess.
This book is created as a dialogue between one woman who is wracked with guilt for what she has done in her life and the star Mother`s guidance from the cosmos directly to her to help her find her light dazzling twin and to live her life from another perspective entirely.
I originally showed the way to the outer light twin energy self through my book: Is that You? which covered the truth of when we die and how we move over completely into our own outer shape and form of light which we carry as our twin during our physical life.
Is that You? is now also available in kindle form through, by Gaye Wilson-Smart under the categories of paranormal/spiritual.
This twin self will always guide and inspire us from the other higher level of our own spiritual energy which links directly through other dimensions with the greater cosmos.
This has to be the time to discover this incredible ability we all have through the outer world.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Wake up time

There is no need for you to be trapped in all of that emotional physical and mental pain looking out at your world competitively and needingly from a level of existence where your karmic obligations keep on drawing in to you so many uncomfortable situations people and happenings.
This is all in a bid by your world to help you emerge from that state of waking sleep we all go around in permanently and to help you release the karmic hold of your past and present existence.
You have a choice in life and hold in yourself the ability to transcend all of that karmic pain once you find the other level and layer and awareness in your own energy.
You have a greater wiser voice, a universally loving heart, a deeper wisdom eye which is all seeing in cosmic awareness and a power which takes you far beyond all those levels of restriction and the mentally draining depth of self absorption which destroys your chance of inspirational wisdom that is your`s by right.
You are incredibly blessed and have the white light person on the outside who can even tell you who you have been in lives lived before and where all your present problems and anxieties are coming from.
Look out beyond your restricting physical boundaries to the world that shines on the outside of your energy which is karmically free from any cloying weighing down energy from the past life journeys your soul has had to take to get you to where you are presently.
You are much greater, freer, more knowledgeable and having the greater capacity to see beyond your present problems through your own outer white inspiration and that outer light which brings a different destination to the one beckoning so mind numbingly and cruelly presently.
You have to realise the power of who you truly are as an original soul who has only accumulated all of these karmic debts through the course of living so many lifetimes in order to, ultimately, purify your energy. Only in this way will you allow yourself to be the essence of pure spiritual light you were always meant to be.
But you do have such infinite limitless levels of wisdom and power at your disposal, sitting out there in the cosmos waiting to connect with you, to help inspire uplift and create you from another level and layer of existence entirely.
This is ultimately the time to connect with this star blessed being who is you who is free from all of this pain and torment of competitive human existence.  Now find that self in your own outer levels and layers of energy.
If you need any help with your karmic journeying and clearing I can do this for you, all I need is your birth date and year, see the website for details:

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Voice

Do you ever, currently,feel as though you are being pushed slightly out of your physical body, pushed away from your centre of equilibrium and out of that feeling of being wholly human, wholly physical, completely held in the physical realm of being with all those attendant boundaries, restrictions and all that pain and uncertainty?
Being so completely human and never ever giving yourself the chance to glimpse that there could ever be anything other than this wholly physical mind numbing existence is to disempower and limit yourself immediately. You tie yourself down and put yourself in a box. You forbid yourself from ever glimpsing the light or the greater horizons, those infinite possibilities which lie just beyond your normal restricted restrained perception.
There is so much you could be doing,, seeing and you could be a wholly different level and experience of being if you could just open your awareness to that outer other infinite light filled self.
So who is she?  Where is she? What is this other level which the subtle universal energy
keeps on wanting you to see feel and experience as your wholly different reality?  What is
this other level of existence and awareness calling out to you from your own greater spirit soul energy, that greater part of yourself yearning so desperately to be free to explore this new world waiting for you just beyond all those self imposed boundaries?
You are so much more than you think you are, so much more than this present physically restricted human body which is ruled by emotions ~ most of them negative ~ and caught and trapped in a painful level of reality which demands the continual re experiencing of difficult circumstances and situations to enable you to move on and through your karmic legacy.
Those universal energies are nudging, pushing and urging you to follow through and discover the greater outer wider self who exists beyond your normal perception.
Every time you feel your energies `wobble` you`re on the brink of moving over and into that greater experience of vaster wider expanding energies waiting so expansively just beyond your normal five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting in a wider realisation of feeling from a whole new other different part of you which is not visible or tangible but exists wholly as spiritual cosmic light filled energy moving everywhere on a swathe of love.
In Atlantis we take it as our right to equate with and experience our physical life through this double energetic self energy living in a double energetic world where there is no pain or fear, no anxiety or money, where energy is limitless and boundless and carrying the feeling the whole time of being blessed and enlightened, filled with wisdom and caring and just endlessly free to be wherever that energy chooses to be.
You were once there before, you once existed three thousand five hundred years ago on a continent where life could be lived from this other level of perception, where the Great Spirit Mother guided you right through the realms of light to live in this dimension where there was none of the pain and torment you suffer currently.
But the Aryans came with their need to focus on the ego and immediately the competitive aspect appeared which forced them into the need for a warrior mentality.  Then they began tampering and trying to combine human with animal DNA and this genetic engineering was their downfall disenabling them from focusing solely on their crystal technology.
Because they had used their tuaoi crystal to cause earthquakes and volcanos which,
ultimately, caused the eruption of Thera which brought an ending to our own continent of Atlantis which suddenly disappeared beneath the sea.
Now is the time to bring back the Atlantean belief in the double twin world of our great double Mother and our greater expansive level of wisdom filled energy.
This will happen through the book I am writing: `The Voice of Atlantis` and until that appears I would ask you to take note of the next `wobble` or feeling of being pushed into something greater and wiser and more fulfilling and profound than you are and go with the flow of where that particular feeling wants to take you.