Monday, 27 February 2012

We live in a world which is more than it seems.  Right now, as the veil between the worlds is growing thinner, as we progress through 2012, we are able to reach further and delve more clearly into our own outer other added dimension of reality.
This is our own outer light world or the realm of our outer energetic subtle body which may be invisible but which, nevertheless, provides the blueprint for our physical body and also gives us all our light and life force energy as well as continually interacting and making contact with other dimensions of universal energy.
When we come into physical life we are surrounded by a cocoon of shimmering light energy and this outer energy self stays with us right through life and when we die we exit as this chrysalis of light energy to continue to exist as an essence or presence of life in the outer light otherworld.
There is no death, no extinction, no ending of our own essential energy any more than there is an ending of anything.  We are immortal beings whose existence continues from life to life and in all the spaces and times in between.
My husband died two years ago now but his energy is still able to connect with me ~ see my book IS that You? ~ and he has told me all about what happens after the end of the physical body but also has supplied me with a great deal of information about our outer light added dimension of energy which exists like a halo twin around our physical boundaries right through our lives.
And as the universal energies are gradually changing and accelerating, lifting and filling with more and more light energy from the outer reaches of the universe, so we need to become aware of our own outer added dimension of etheric brilliant and radiant light energy which acts like the closest friend we could ever have in life and helps us uplift our whole outlook on life.
This is our outer spirit guide holding layers and levels of wisdom and knowledge not just from the other side of the universe but from every level of the multiverse.
And the greatest gift we could find would come through being exceedingly grateful to this other outer self energy and filling every part of our existence with a sweep of love for having been given such a gift.
The book IS that You? explores the phenomenon of after life contact drawn from my own experience and that of many other people and works through the laws of science to find how this can happen.
The sequel is nearing completion and is called: `The Other You` and is all about our other outer dimensional self, our AD or added dimension the discovery of which can transform every part of our normal material reality unbelievably!
We are all on a journey through life as physical beings who are here to learn more about ourselves and the infinite capacities we never even begin to realise that we have to revolutionise this physical life and live on a higher faster, finer lighter level of energy where true inspiration wisdom love and light lie and connect us to universal dimensions, to those who have passed on from this life and a new way of being and seeing reality.