Friday, 25 July 2014

be your truth

 Create the temple of Spirit Light at the core of you to allow your outer spirit world to reach through in colours of silver and gold.  Your true legacy lies in light reflecting to and through you from celestial stars to the earth below, yet this light may only be reached once the deeper golden earth force is charged through your physical body.
Golden crystal stars lie deep `neath the surface of earth herself ready to take you away from superficial sleep which is how and who you are during physical life for you are asleep to the truth of life`s great purpose. You live on the surface never knowing who or how you should be in the truth of life`s greater reality. Once you find and draw the golden energy up from the deeper earth source you discover the celestial course flowing t`wards freedom and wisdom unrestrained and untamed. Thus you begin again through a different level and way of being.
 Open yourselves to a brand new heaven and earth energy. Uncover a corridor of radiancy within you renewed as you transform heavy physical energy into the greater force field of universal life.
Know this truth of who you should be.
Move out of your struggling mortality.
Expand your own levels of energy to reach out and touch the stars.
You are the brave ones, my friends, the new ones, the future of this planet far removed from the way it has needed to be recently.  You deserve your freedom my children, really deserve to match the core of your being with that of the deeper earth once more.

1 comment:

  1. Some very powerful writing here Gaye.
    Happy we have connected via Twitter, look forward to speaking with you more and learning more about our background + reading your writing.
    Take care!
