Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Being in a coma

He`s torn right out of that physical body and away from the ability to use his conscious mind thinking since his spirit has now been released from the normal state of imprisonment within the pulling heavy density of the physical shape and form.

Suddenly he`s luxuriously free, flowing on waves and bands of pure high vibrational light energy out beyond any restriction, free to be in any shape or form any energy frequency as part of a universal cosmic light flow of which he never previously had any knowledge or awareness as existing. This flow goes beyond the physical reality which has been holding him trapped in the physical body through which he emerged at physical birth.

He`s way up above and far removed which enables him to look down gracefully and gratefully on that poor old battered physical body which no longer holds him so tightly and compulsively.

He now finds himself beyond the nightmare of every problem and anxiety-filled waking thought, all being driven by the emotional layer and level of his own energy.  Here there is no tension, no physical sensation of being trapped inside any situation which he himself always felt incapable of handling from his own physically gruelling level of energy.  
Now he can travel far distantly through a high light frequency which carries him on above and beyond the physical condition and that spoilt destroyed physical body which no longer has the capacity to serve him as it should.

Is he dead?  He`s aware of the idea though he doesn`t know where it comes from, aware in a different level of consciousness removed from every withholding confine of physical being. `Is this death then, is this how it feels to be dead? ` He asks himself the question yet he knows he is not dead, he knows this somewhere and on some level.

No he`s in a state of altered consciousness and the silver spinning cord of the life force energy still attaches to him in diaphanous shape and malleable form to comprise his light force energy and presence of higher awareness.  Where or whoever he is now, he does know he has become very special as he drifts through layers and levels of energy awareness far removed from being able to respond physically, to touch hear or see anything. 

Mediums tell of how the consciousness of those who are caught in a state of trauma now rests in the world of spirit, ready for when the physical body dies and the spirit consciousness moves over completely. But how on this earth can any member of the family of the person trapped in a coma state understand and appreciate any of this? How can anyone feel the sense of one person`s consciousness as it moves on its own journey, out of the body and away to other levels of energy which none of us can ever fully perceive?

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