Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The Spirit Body

Here you are out beyond your physical body and physical self in the world of your greater spirit energy existing on the outside of you as a higher level of light force spirit force energy.  Your own greater spirit capacity is filled with love and light energy.
Just find your point of wisdom first of all, we all have one, it could be anywhere around you, possibly up high, but hovering in your wisdom spirit body or double energy self just waiting and longing to be found!
This is your own high spirit wisdom point from where you can step out of yourself as a physical body merely and into the realm of your own high spirit energy. Here is your double or twin existing outside the physical realms and boundaries,  radiating a field of light right around you which you can visualise as seeing a series of eight points right around you and then connecting those points right up.
Sometimes this is called the aura, filled with rainbow colours of light with the gold and silver on the outside to represent your outer spirit body.
You have now just found your outer greater light body your Spirit Mother space ~ whereas your God space lies at the inside of your solar plexus chakra ~ of brilliant pure light energy which acts as your own double divinity.  Just fill this space with love and light energy, surround yourself with a beautiful sight and feeling of uplifted power and endless light. Be that double divine self, that greater wider outer energy self, just exist in that higher realm of finer fast vibrational energy where all the colours of the rainbow live through your energy.  Look outwards through your own wisdom voice and farseeing ability to live your life entirely differently from a place of awe and inspiration.  This is where you are supposed to be eternally and this is who you are.
The high point of light is your contact with your divinity, your divine capacity to be more than who you are.
Finding your high point of light and all the other seven points around your body, and the one in the earth below to ground you, is like finding an outer realm/ level and sense of your own capacity to exist as a higher energy, a spirit light level of being in combination with the God force way of seeing.
Find the expanse of your outer twin light body to find the expanse of your own greater wiser more uplifted energy fields existing in harmony with your physical self.
Your high wise voice is the first and greatest point of light above your head, your voice of wisdom
The point to the right of your head at the third eye position is your point of knowing
The point to the left of your head at the same level is your point of inspiration
The point to the right of your solar plexus is your point of love
The point to the left of your solar plexus is your point of power
The point to the right of your base is your point of connection
The point to the left of your base is your point of support
And far below in the earth is your light point to ground you.
However, points are not fixed and flow around in your outer light twin body self energy so that they may decide to reside to the front and back each time or otherwise to the side.
The wisdom spirit body surrounds the physical body by making contact with points of light surrounding the physical body.
The spirit body is everything, controls the subconscious, concious, unconcious and is the superconscious mind which exists universally and also individually in  and around every person.  This is the control point, the greater light energy self, the filled with wisdom spirit self as a whole spirit world right the way around the physical self shining superliminally.
We brought the spirit body in with us at birth and leave that way at death through the spirit body whose essence we become as a fieldof light energy.  The spirit body is a field of light energy self  living luminously on the outside of our physical barriers and restraints  this outer field of light is all wise, all inspiration, all love and all light and is the greater power force and living light course beyond all our minds from the subconscious to the conscious to the super conscious. Speak only through the spirit bodymind to guide yourself from the wisdom point of your own life in all you do. Shine the spirit light wisdom through and you will make all the right decisions and always know what to do from your own best and highest interests.  The whole truth and essence of you resides in that spirit wisdom point of light, believe in that higher power and feel the guidance shining through you each and every hour of your life.
Just outside from the self, just outside from the physical body, step just outside of the physical self and into the spirit body realm, to the higher state of wisdom light which exists as a point of light just out beyond yourself and ask all your questions and receive all the answers you ever could need from the level of pure knowledge and wisdom light energy.
You exist outside as a higher point of wisdom light which shines all the way round you as various points of light too in a protective but uplifted web of pure spirit energy which needs constantly to be freed from the negativity of the physical moods and body and conscious mind emotional thinking energy. Step up anbd outside constantly every time a negative thought or feeling tries to get in the way of you and your path through to the spiritual you who lifts the whole of your life astronomically.  That is what your spirit body is here to do, this is what you are here to find in life, to go beyond your conscious mind in life and find the glories which lie beyond your material physical reality.   That is what you are in life to feel and see.  Go beyond and find this greater outer part of your own energy body filled with such wisdom and glory triumphantly.  Look up to that higher shining spirit wisdom point of light in all its glory by going out beyond your own encompassing nullifying energy.