Thursday, 11 July 2013

the outer outer dimension

We have this living dimension just outside and connecting in with our physical body.
Through this living dimension we experience everything on a day to day basis, all of our interactions with the other people places and happenings with which and whom we`ve furnished our own dimensional reality.
Also all of our own reactions, feelings, emotions, thoughts these are all happening in this our living dimension in the way we`ve programmed them to do.  So that if we always get irate and impatient behind the wheel of a car every time anyone else drives too slowly then we keep on doing this through our automatically programmed response.
If we always get upset and withdraw into ourselves if we feel the least hint of criticism in anyone else`s tone of voice, then we`re going to keep drawing in people who talk to us and make us feel in this way of inferiority because we are drawing in what we need to learn to inwardly grow.
So here we are as we keep on pulling in anyone anything and anywhere which will echo the most important need-to-learn lessons for our soul growth.
But what we fail to realise is that life is not all happening through our inner responses or our outer living dimension which comes into effect whenever there are other people in the picture of our lives.
Because there`s another outer shining dimension just out beyond our living dimension which is in contact with the whole of the cosmos and a limitless fund of helping guiding light from our own higher spirit light level of being.
This outer outer level and dimension shines radiantly with positive love filled light and is always there shining away helpfully and happily but it is we who keep dimming the effect through all of the negative reactions and responses we are perpetually putting out through our outer living dimension.
So what to do?  The secret lies in finding the part of our own energy field where we can feel this negative response we`ve come up with.  It could be anywhere around the body but usually on the left hand side, maybe the leg, arm or head.  Then we embrace that outer fear seeing it for what it is ~ part of our greater learning ~ we thank it surround it with a ring of love and then eject it up and out of our outer living dimension to be cleared and light filled by the shining outer outer dimension of our own higher energy.
You`ve done it ~ all of it is now released out of your outer energy field, all that self nagging and self fearing has cleared to help you bring in the outer higher wisdom through from your higher wisdom shining dimension just out and beyond your physical body.

Furnishing your Outer Dimension

We come into life into our own dimension. Into this dimension we bring all the people and each happening that we need to have around us so that we can grow through our own learning as we travel through life.

Everyone, each person who enters your day or even phones or emails you does so for a reason, so that you can have some interaction with them and hopefully have a positive effect on their energy in the same way that, hopefully, they will do for you. It is all part of the overall learning which we have to work our way through to grow and evolve.

But of course it doesn`t work out that way. Our own inner reactions ~ be they from our karmic overload from previous lives or pressure from all the karmic challenges we`ve chosen to bring into this life ~ are most often not the positive responses we should be making to the litany of life`s happenings.

And yet we each have the power to create and furnish every part of our own outer dimension with all the right and positive thoughts and feelings which can only draw in more and more positive reactions and happenings from the outer dimension which surrounds us.

By releasing our own negative impact on our sacred dimension we can then set about releasing the negative impacting cues reaching out to affect us from other people too.

We not only affect and have the ability to heal ourselves but the healing reaches through to affect and heal all the other situations and people we have drawn into our own personal life dimension.

Everyone is a walking story of their own issues, surrounded by that story of everything happening in the wrong way, holding on to other peoples` problems and allowing them to weigh them down with that heavy energy.  We spend our time carrying this heavy baggage which is not only our own but also other peoples` baggage too and this stops any chance of our higher greater outer and inner wisdom and light getting through.

Our own outer dimension should be glittering and reflecting the light through to help us, not to keep sending in messages and energy which hinders and blocks us!

We have to learn to clear our own response to our own difficulties by embracing our fears, being grateful that they have happened in the first place to help us with our learning and then releasing the sense of fear with a wealth of love.