We have this living dimension just outside and connecting in
with our physical body.
Through this living dimension we experience everything on a
day to day basis, all of our interactions with the other people places and
happenings with which and whom we`ve furnished our own dimensional reality.
Also all of our own reactions, feelings, emotions, thoughts these
are all happening in this our living dimension in the way we`ve programmed them
to do. So that if we always get irate
and impatient behind the wheel of a car every time anyone else drives too
slowly then we keep on doing this through our automatically programmed
If we always get upset and withdraw into ourselves if we
feel the least hint of criticism in anyone else`s tone of voice, then we`re
going to keep drawing in people who talk to us and make us feel in this way of
inferiority because we are drawing in what we need to learn to inwardly grow.
So here we are as we keep on pulling in anyone anything and
anywhere which will echo the most important need-to-learn lessons for our soul
But what we fail to realise is that life is not all
happening through our inner responses or our outer living dimension which comes
into effect whenever there are other people in the picture of our lives.
Because there`s another outer shining dimension just out
beyond our living dimension which is in contact with the whole of the cosmos
and a limitless fund of helping guiding light from our own higher spirit light
level of being.
This outer outer level and dimension shines radiantly with
positive love filled light and is always there shining away helpfully and
happily but it is we who keep dimming the effect through all of the negative
reactions and responses we are perpetually putting out through our outer living
So what to do? The
secret lies in finding the part of our own energy field where we can feel this
negative response we`ve come up with. It
could be anywhere around the body but usually on the left hand side, maybe the
leg, arm or head. Then we embrace that
outer fear seeing it for what it is ~ part of our greater learning ~ we thank
it surround it with a ring of love and then eject it up and out of our outer
living dimension to be cleared and light filled by the shining outer outer
dimension of our own higher energy.
You`ve done it ~ all of it is now released out of your outer
energy field, all that self nagging and self fearing has cleared to help you
bring in the outer higher wisdom through from your higher wisdom shining
dimension just out and beyond your physical body.